About the Market

Kathy and Teena met when Teena offered to help stage the yearly Christmas boutique featuring Kathy's Gooseberry Hill patterns and sewing specialty items. Each December for many years Kathy would put up 13 Christmas trees that were themed with antique beaded purses, teacups or dolls or toys from the 1800's and invite hundreds of her pattern clients friends and neighbors to come for a day of Christmas fantasy, shopping and treats. Part of the draw were her collection of French and German dolls, toys and ladies' clothing from the same pre 1900's period. 

Teena set up her charming cottage boutique named Grandma's House with hand made dolls and vintage looking home decor at the same time and visitors to each location were encouraged to visit both homes. One year Teena expressed her dream of having a Vintage Market in the old barn behind her house and invited Kathy to participate. 

The name of the market came from the first 2 letters of each of their boutiques which happened to be the same. The first time they opened their doors everyone was surprised at the transformation of the cast off items that had new appealing life in bright and country colors. Teena's flair for staging made everything seem so enticing that they sold out quickly. 

Every market since that first one has been increasingly more popular. Items sell faster and people come from many different cities. It is exciting and fun to meet so many great people along the way. Thanks for visiting and stay tuned for more information!

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